Copyright Notice

Copyright © John Court, co-contributors / co-creators / collaborators, and owners / commissioners / employers of related work. In such cases, all relevant parties will be attributed. All rights reserved unless otherwise noted. If noted, a Creative Commons license—or another variant of copyleft—will be provided in a full copyright's stead for each corresponding work or group of work. All work represented throughout this domain is under the assumption of copyright © all rights reserved, unless specifically otherwise noted, whether readily apparent or not.

If you want to use / remix / distribute / display my work, just ask.

Photographs and/or videos of constructed work are used, at liberty, for the sole purpose of documenting and showcasing the product of the corresponding original design and/or project work. These photographs and/or videos are typically the work and property of a third party whom retains all rights.


This domain is used for the purposes of professional profile and portfolio documentation.